running time:  105 minutes / color / USA


A young high school shop teacher buys her first motorcycle with her wedding dress money, leading her away from her controlling fiancée into a new circle of motorcycle friends who are attracted but threatened by her newfound sexual freedom. 

As she learns to ride, she must interpret their offers of advice and mechanical assistance:  are they subtle forms of control?  Or crucial knowledge, without which she might get herself killed? 

Ignoring all warnings, she rides a 400 mile rally--well beyond her ability.  In the end, she crashes and wants to give up.  But the motorcycle which first set her free gives her the courage to go on.  Girl loses bike, girl gets bike back.

GIRL MEETS BIKE is a story of love at first sight, but not how you think.  Kat showers her first bike with all the confused passion we give that certain person (or bike) who first steals our heart.  As her new friends vie for her affection, one emerges as Kat's first love, further revealing the complexity and ambiguity of her desire.

What Kat really sees in the bike is her own chance for freedom.  And who doesn't love to be free?